2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Analytical summary(Uderstanding Psychology;Psychologists at Work; A Science Envolves:The Past, The Present and The Future)

Robert Feldman's book "Understanding Psychology" describes the basic information about psychology like a science having subfields, perspectives and key issues as well as information about history and the future of psychology.
In the module, ''Psychology at work'', the author introduces psychology, where scientists investigate human's conduct and intellective processes. First, the text descibes the subfields of psychology. Moreover, this article argues where psychologists can work and what salary they can get.
In the module, ''A Science Envolves: The past, The present and The future'', the author describes the history of psychology and the famous psychologists and them worthiness in this science. In addition, the author introduces the women's achievements and today's perspectives. Furthermore, the text is full of psychology matters in the 21st century.
In the module, ''Psychology's Key Issues and Contoversies", Robert Feldman explores differencies between key issuses. Being a very idiosyncratic science, psychology investigates viewpoint to learning in Europe, North America and in Asia.
Finally, all three modules give basic knowledge about psychology.

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