2008 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis

ESP learning

All of us find difficulties in learning foreign languages. It is very necessary not only in the future but also in today’s fasting world. Now we are learning ESP (English for specific purpose). I would like to offer reasons for learning languages & the benefits: 1. Children's development: learning foreign languages enhances cognitive and critical thinking skills; 2. Finding a job; 3. Making new friends & dating 4.Travelling; 5. Family ethnic and cultural background;
First of all, we have to find our own method that suits our learning style. The method must have an audio component. The person must work at ESP language every day, even for 5 or 10 minutes. He must buy a phrase book and dictionary in order to take them wherever he would go.The easiest ESP learning tip to try! Go ahead and speak and write and don't be afraid to make mistakes, because it is the best way to learn and remember mistakes. Try using memory techniques to help memorize words and phrases. It can help speed up the time needed to learn. Maybe you have a friend or colleague who has learnt ESP too. hare with them phrases and words you have learned. Teach them little bits and pieces of the language.

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