2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Laughter

This medicine can make our life clear and can tinge our communication. Just because of it people become more healthy. Its name is laughter, a good mood.
When we are laughting, we can run away from the oppressiving problems, make stronger relationships and create a positive emotional climate. Laughter is one of the most exciting experience when we communicate because we have a chance to get positive emotions and to entertain others. Laughter is an idiosyncratic language, which have got a great purpose - to make stronger intercommunion. If laughter is frequest, the connection between persons will be stronger.
Moreover, laughter is greatly different. There are a lot of types of laughter. First of all, etiquette laughter which starts with a smile. It is stolid and easily suppressed. Second laughter is pigeon, which sounds like the hum of a pigeon. Third type is soundless laughter. The mouth and nose are closed and the muscles moves, it is like an ''inner jogging''. Fourth laughter is belly and this one is the same as soundless laughter. Only one different is that laughter is loud. Another laughter is nervous. It is related with threat and danger. Slapstick laughter is response to ungainly body movements. Sadistic laughter is response to disaster of enemies and rivals. Futhermore, the most useful types of laughter is mocking, surprise, social and humor.
Scientists have shown that laughter can reduce blood pressure and also reduce a pain or corcern. so this laughter therapy is useful for our health. If you laugh hundred time a day, you will fell like being ridden on a bicycle for 15 minutes. Moreover, laughter relaxes muscles, increases heartbeat, saturates blood for the oxygen, helps to digest and as well as reduces stress, depression.
In conclusion, laughter is a cheapest and the most effective formula in order to reach a fortunate life. So, wherever you will be, don't forget to laugh and smile.

3 komentarai:

iandruskevic rašė...

Nice! i enjoyed reading your work :) it is not dificulte to understand, but i learned sone new words. However, it was a little bit to lont but NICE! :)

romas rašė...

Contributional wrk consists of useful and interesring information about subject.Theme explained briefly and clearly :)

kristina rašė...

It was huge pleasure to read this essay for me! I find out not only about biological processes in our body when we are laughing, but also that laughter helps us both to find new friends and to be more healthy. So, I try to laugh more often:) Thank you for this useful information!:)